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Англо-русский строительный словарь - virtual


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Перевод с английского языка virtual на русский


виртуальный; мнимый

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См. в других словарях

  виртуальный, созданный искусственно, смоделированный ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  виртуальный ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  reality noun comput. виртуальная реальность VIRTUAL adj.  1) фактический, не номинальный, действительный  2) obs. эффективный ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. фактический, действительный; являющийся (чем-л.) по существу, реально (а не формально) virtual rulers of a country —- фактические правители страны he is a virtual stranger, although we've met —- я его по сути не знаю, хотя мы и встречались 2. физ. возможный, виртуальный virtual velocity —- эффективная скорость virtual particle —- виртуальная частица 3. опт. мнимый (о фокусе, изображении) virtual image —- мнимое изображение 4. спец. эффективный virtual rating —- тех. эффективная мощность ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  прил. 1) фактический, действительный 2) виртуальный, возможный, по существу дающий тот же эффект в данных условиях ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) виртуальный 2) возможен 3) возможный 4) действующий 5) мнимый 6) фактический 7) эквивалентен 8) эквивалентный 9) эффективен 10) эффективный multiple virtual storage — компьют. память виртуальная многоуровненная symbol of virtual intersection — символ виртуального пересечения virtual bicharacteristic manifold — виртуальное бихарактеристическое многообразие virtual order relation — отношение виртуального порядка virtual work principle — принцип виртуальной работы - virtual address - virtual call - virtual cathode - virtual character - virtual characteristic - virtual class - virtual cycle - virtual degree - virtual dimension - virtual divisor - virtual extension - virtual focus - virtual genus - virtual ground - virtual hyperplane - virtual image - virtual index - virtual inertia - virtual intersection - virtual level - virtual mark - virtual ordering - virtual quantity - virtual quantum - virtual representation - virtual shift - virtual source - virtual state - virtual storage - virtual submanifold - virtual terminal - virtual transition - virtual variety ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. 1 that is such for practical purposes though not in name or according to strict definition (is the virtual manager of the business; take this as a virtual promise). 2 Optics relating to the points at which rays would meet if produced backwards (virtual focus; virtual image). 3 Mech. relating to an infinitesimal displacement of a point in a system. 4 Computing not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so (virtual memory). Derivatives virtuality n. virtually adv. Etymology: ME f. med.L virtualis f. L virtus after LL virtuosus ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  Etymology: Middle English, efficacious, potential, from Medieval Latin ~is, from Latin virtus strength, virtue  Date: 15th century  1. being such in essence or effect though not formally recognized or admitted a ~ dictator  2. of, relating to, or using ~ memory  3. of, relating to, or being a hypothetical particle whose existence is inferred from indirect evidence ~ photons — compare real 3  4. being on or simulated on a computer or computer network print or ~ books a ~ keyboard: as  a. occurring or existing primarily online a ~ library ~ shopping  b. of, relating to, or existing within a ~ reality a ~ world a ~ tour ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. You can use virtual to indicate that something is so nearly true that for most purposes it can be regarded as true. Argentina came to a virtual standstill while the game was being played... ...conditions of virtual slavery. ADJ: ADJ n 2. Virtual objects and activities are generated by a computer to simulate real objects and activities. (COMPUTING) This is a virtual shopping centre offering visitors entry to a clutch of well-known e-tailers without going to their different websites. ADJ: ADJ n • virtuality People speculate about virtuality systems, but we’re already working on it. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 virtual peace/darkness/destruction etc something that is so nearly complete peace etc that any difference is unimportant  (We have achieved virtual perfection in sound reproduction. | be a virtual certainty/impossibility etc (=be almost certain, impossible etc))  (Car ownership is a virtual necessity when you live in the country.) 2 virtual leader/prisoner etc someone who is in fact a leader, prisoner etc but not officially one  (The president was so much under his wife's influence that she was the virtual ruler of the country.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., "influencing by physical virtues or capabilities," from M.L. virtualis, from L. virtus "excellence, potency, efficacy" (see virtue). The meaning of "being something in essence or fact, though not in name" is first recorded 1654. Virtually (late M.E.) originally meant "as far as essential qualities or facts are concerned." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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